Winter is one of the toughest times of year to manage your cleaning regimes. Germs, dirt, wet weather and darkness can play havoc with cleaning schedules and require longer timescales and deeper cleaning.

There are a few small changes you can make that will help your cleaning teams stay on top of extra demands and increased cleaning schedules, making it easier for them to clean effectively without losing time.

Recommend the right mats

If your clients have floors and surfaces that are subject to a lot of footfall and the wet weather, recommending that they have the right floor mat is essential. Not only will it help to keep people safe, resulting in less slips and slides, it will also help to maintain the cleanliness of the floor surface so it won’t have to be cleaned as regularly. Recommending a water absorbent mat with a textured surface will reduce the amount of water and dirt that ends up on the floor.

Consider condensation

In the cold winter months, condensation is something that happens in most office or work spaces. Heat from kitchens, people and office equipment can result in soaking wet windows or tiles that, if left, can cause mould and mildew to build. Not only is it unsightly, but it can be problematic for asthma sufferers and harbour germs. When picking cleaning agents, it’s wise to consider one that has anti-mould properties that will get rid of any black build up and prevent it from coming back. Advise your cleaning teams to pay particular attention to areas that are prone to condensation and increase the frequency of cleaning in those areas.

Waste removal

Coughs and colds take over any workplace during the winter and before you know it, those bins are backed up with tissues and hand towels teaming with germs. Emptying bins more regularly can be a simple way to prevent germs from spreading around the office or work space and it looks a lot less unsightly. Instruct your teams to change bins before they get full to help keep the environment clean and make sure they’re wiping down any bin handles and lids with an antibacterial cleaner to stop contamination.

Cleaning desks

When the weather is terrible, people are less inclined to leave the office for lunch. That also means people are more inclined to eat lunch at their desks, increasing the chance of dirt and germs. Increasing the level of attention paid to desks, keyboards, mice and monitors can be time consuming for busy cleaning teams so equip them with plenty of antibacterial wipes they can easily slide over surfaces. Encourage clients to stock up on wipes and ask their staff to help wipe their desks down at the end of each day. Don’t forget chair arms either, these often get forgotten about!


If you need help planning for winter cleaning then we’re always on-hand to answer your questions. You can call us on 023 9920 7788 or email [email protected]